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MOVING AIR CLASSES & Workshops 2021 -22
by Aladino R. Blanca

- TANZHALLE (Berlin)

6.8 & 10 SEPTEMBER .21

- DART Studios (Berlin) 

6 to 10 September 

18 to 22 October.21

- SEAD Salzburg 

18 April to 24 May 2022

Dancing with SasHA Waltz & Guests  2021

 - IN C at NEUE NATIONALGALERIE 15 & 17 Septmber 19:30 h Performance 

-  IN C Spielort Muffathalle 5 & 6 Octuber  

-  IN C  10.11 & 12 December 

" The artist exists because the world is not perfect. Art would be useless if the world were perfect, as man wouldn't look for harmony but would simply live in it. Art is born out of an ill-designed world "


                                                                                Andrei Tarkovsky  


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