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Mas corazón que piel 

A scenic proposal, in which dance, opera and theatre dialogue on stage. Inspired by the work of acclaimed photographer Sebastiao Salgado.


year of production 2019 

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Dogs & Angels

Powerful creation related with the life of the American writer Charles Bukovsky. Find what you love and let it kill you,

 year of production 2016 - 2017

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A dialogue between consciousness and the body, which would later evolve to generate feelings of uneasiness from disturbing images such as the x-ray of a dog.

year of production 2016

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Ashes to Ashes 

Cuéntale a la gente más sobre las clases que ofreces. Agrega imágenes, texto y enlaces; o conecta datos de tu colección para mostrar contenido dinámico.


year of production 2014

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Mexican Corner 

French and Mexican coproduction with the idea to work a pice with original testimonies under the problematic with the migration, violence and kidnapping and drug traffic  in Mexico.


year of production 2013 - 2014

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Firdus / el paraiso 

Firdus “Paradise” inspired by the greek mythology, from the nonsense and the difference between life and illusion of a paradise. 


year of production 2013

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Its a collage of scenes of real life. Where the questions and doubts become the soul of the  performance ...


year of production 2012

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Happy times 

Happy times born trough human games ! This show has a social issue, in which we seek the union between the dreams and illusions. To finally be hopeless to be happy. 


year of production 2010

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El fin del infinito 

The performance is a collage of moving images made of memories that are looking a reflection through the thin line of life. The opportunity to observe the cycles that end to star other !


year of production 2007 - 2008 

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